The Resident (2011)


Action / Crime / Drama / Horror / Mystery / Thriller

IMDb Rating 5/10

Plot summary

The movie starts with newly divorced ER doctor Juliet (Hilary Swank) running through New York City and working in a busy ER. She is looking for an apartment to rent. After viewing one ridiculously small one, she looks at a stunning apartment with a lovely view. The owner, Max (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), is renting it for £3800. She is surprised at the price and immediately takes it.Max helps her move in and while moving in her furniture, she meets Max's grandfather, August (Christopher Lee), they exchange pleasantries and continue to move the furniture in. Max and Juliet immediately hit it off and appear to be becoming good friends.That night, Juliet is alone in her house, as she gets ready for bed by taking a bath, the camera view looks like it's spying on her.The next day, she is persuaded by her friend to go to an art exhibition. While there, Max bumps into her and she asks that he walk her home. He is happy to do it and they take a long walk home, stopping to get coffee. As they sit in the park drinking coffee, they chat. Max then walks her to her door, and as they kiss on the cheek, she turns to kiss him, but he turns away. She is embarrassed, saying she read the signals wrong and closes the door.Juliet then prepares for a bath, we also see small, dark corridors and peepholes looking into her apartment. She pours a glass of wine and gets in the bath. While there, we can see her through a vent at the end of her bath. She ducks her head under the water just as a train passes and knocks her wine to the ground. After her bath she hears noises, she heads towards her bedroom window where it closes suddenly frightening her. She then turns in to bed.The next day her ex-husband Jack calls, she answers the phone and he apologizes and asks to meet up, she tells him she has to go and hangs up. Just as she hangs up, Max calls and asks her for dinner. That night she is in Max's house for dinner. After dinner, he walks her back to her apartment and they both walk in. They start to kiss passionately while taking each other's clothes off.Then the movie does a fast rewind past all of Max and Juliet's meetings right to the very start of the film where she was in the ER department. It shows Max there with August. August had just had a stroke. Max is watching Juliet work and starts to become obsessed, he clocks her name tag. While at the hospital, he notices a flyer from her asking for an apartment, he takes one of the slips with her number on it. You then see them meeting in the apartment. At the art show, Max followed Juliet in a cab and watched her go in, he then followed her in and pretended to bump into her. Afterwards you see their almost kiss. After she closes the door, he heads back to his apartment where he is watching TV, he then heads through the corridors and you see him looking through the vent at the end of the bath tub as Juliet's wine falls. You see Max then entering her apartment and watching her in the dark corners, he then hides under her bed as she gets ready and goes into it.The movie goes back to them passionately kissing and taking each other's clothes off. They head to the bed when she changes her mind, telling him that she is not ready to be with someone else after Jack yet. He leaves.That night, Max seals off the entrance to the peephole corridor by using a nail gun and planks of wood at the door, which we discover is in his wardrobe.The next scene shows Max with August, giving him his medication by syringe. August calls him weak like his father, and we see through newspaper clippings that his father killed his mother.Juliet and Max then bump into each other in a café, she apologizes for the previous night and he tells her it probably wouldn't be a good idea and it could get complicated as they are landlord and tenant, she is happy he says this as she was thinking the same thing.That night, Max tears down the barrier to the corridor, and goes into Juliet's apartment. She is sleeping and he goes into her bedroom and tries to kiss her, she turns round so he leaves. He creaks the floorboards and she wakes up and heads to the kitchen where she can hear a noise. You see Max watch her though a secret door in her kitchen cupboard, she goes into the cupboard and pushes against a wall, only for the wall to collapse into a secret wine cellar.The next day she calls Max about it and asks if she could keep it. He tells her he can fix it up but she has to go to work, he says he can do it while she is out, she is happy with that arrangement and leaves.After she is gone, Max studies her house, he goes into the bathroom and uses her toothbrush. He then goes into her bath and starts masturbating. Meanwhile, Jack is texting Juliet at work asking for a truce, she does not reply but smiles.Juliet comes home with groceries and Max is there to help her carry them in, she seems uncomfortable with him. He senses this and tells her that she kissed him first. She tells him that's what people do to see if they fit together. He tells her he doesn't do that and neither should she. He then leaves.That night, she is preparing dinner while Max watches her through a peephole in her kitchen. She receives a text message and then goes to her bathroom to get ready. While there, Max comes into her home to check her phone, as he is there Jack and his dog come to the door, Max hides. The dog senses Max and starts barking at the kitchen cupboard. Jack and Juliet have dinner and they have a discussion about their break up. Jack tells her that she was never there and she asks him not to tell her he cheated because she works too hard. They have more of a discussion and then sleep with each other. Max is watching the whole thing from behind her two way full length mirror in the bathroom.Jack does not stay the night and leaves with the dog. Max pours something into the open bottle of wine from a syringe just as Juliet comes to pour herself another glass. Later on, Juliet is knocked out in her bed and her hand falls off the edge. Max is lying under her bed and starts licking her fingers.The next morning, Juliet sleeps in for work which she finds odd as she has never had a problem waking up before. She is finding a lot of things suspicious so she decides to install CCTV in her home looking onto her bedroom and her front door. It only records when there is movement and it has night vision.Max decides he is sick of looking after August, so he injects him with his medicine in the neck and kills him.He then follows Juliet and Jack out to dinner. After they leave each other, Max bumps into Jack on the bridge and pushes him down the stairs. Juliet is at home checking her CCTV and it is only her leaving and coming back. She then pours herself a glass of wine. After she is sleeping, Max comes into her bedroom and unbuttons her top, he then kisses her. He lifts her up to cuddle her and as he holds her, he notices her eyes are open. He quickly drops her and inserts a syringe into her big toe while she watches him. She then closes her eyes.In the morning, she sleeps in for work again and notices a syringe cap on the floor. She decides to take a blood and urine test at work and sends them off to the lab for analysis.While she is at work, Max is in her home and he takes a dress from her wardrobe and lies on the bed with it. Jack comes in, with a sling on his arm from the fall down the steps. He notices the secret door in her kitchen cupboard and is attacked by Max.Juliet gets the blood work back and discovers that she has Demerol, Valmid and Valium in both her blood and urine. She then quickly calls Jack and tells him not to go to her apartment but she only gets his answering machine.After she gets home, she notices that the shopping bag that Jack brought is there. She also has several recordings on her CCTV. She watches them and notices Max coming in and raping her as she sleeps. Just as she notices this, Max comes into her apartment by the front door. She tries to act normal and they sit. Max has brought some wine and asks her to drink it. Juliet tells him she is not in the mood. She then gets up and starts to use her phone, Max tells her to put the phone down , he then forces her to sit down. Max then tells her that this time she is going to be awake and sticks a syringe in her thigh. She then stabs him in the shoulder with a small kitchen knife.They fight and she hides in the bathroom. After he stops banging on the door, she looks at herself in the mirror just as Max punches though it and drags her though. She fights with him and runs off. As she is running, she discovers all the peepholes into her apartment. She keeps walking until she hears a door ahead of her, it is Max coming in. He walks down the stairs. Juliet is hiding under the stairs watching him. He leaves and she walks back up the stairs into the kitchen cupboard in her apartment. She also picks up the nail gun from earlier. She walks back though what was her bathroom mirror and is attacked by Max. She shoots him in the chest with the nail gun and makes a run for it. He chases after her but she crawls through a small space. It takes her to a room with a steel door, she is able to slip through the small space and max tries to follow her, he pushes and pulls on the door until it has a bigger space for him to fit through but she pushes it back and locks him out. Max starts battering on the door loosening it from its hinges.Juliet, meanwhile runs towards the only window and smashes it through, she then notices Jack, tied up and bloody.Max gets in through the door and walks over to the window. He stands and looks out just as Juliet comes up behind him with the nail gun, he overpowers her and grabs her neck while holding his hand over the gun, she fires the gun into his hand and he recoils back. She then shoots him several times in the chest and once more when he is down. He jumps up for one last scare but she shoots him in the middle of the head. He falls back dead.Credits roll.