The Loved Ones (2009)


Action / Crime / Drama / Horror / Romance / Thriller

IMDb Rating 6/10

Plot summary

The film begins with Brent (Xavier Samuel) driving with his father along an old country road. Brent turns his attention away from the windshield for a split-second, and when he turns back, sees a bloodied man in the middle of the road! Swerving to avoid hitting the man, Brent's vehicle collides with a tree, injuring him, but killing his father.Six months later, Brent is planning to attend an end-of-the-year high school dance with his girlfriend Holly (Victoria Thaine). Before he leaves the school, a girl named Lola Stone (Robin McLeavy) asks him out, to which Brent refuses.Ever since the car accident, Brent has not driven a vehicle, and his girlfriend Holly takes him off somewhere to make out...which we see is being viewed by Lola.After being taken back to his place before the dance, Brent's mother recommends he take a taxi to the dance, leading him to rush off with the family dog to a nearby cliff-side. We see that Brent using drugs, as well as having self-mutilated himself with a razor bade he keeps on a necklace.While listening to music, Brent is attacked from behind, and his dog is stabbed. The dog manages to make it back to Brent's mother's place, where Holly had shown up to take Brent to the dance. She attempts to get the dog to a vet, but it dies before she can get there.An impromptu investigation is put in place, and Brent's broken music player is found, but no trace of what has happened to him.Brent then wakes up bound to a chair, finding himself at Lola's house, sitting at a table with Lola, her father (John Brumpton), and a lobotomized woman they call Bright Eyes (Anne Scott-Pendlebury). Lola's father has turned his house into a the school dance of his daughter's dreams, and Brent is to be her date.Lola then takes a syringe and fills it with bleach, before injecting it into Brent's voice box, making him unable to scream or talk. She then begins torturing Brent by forcing him to suck on her finger, and threatening to nail his penis to the chair when he can't urinate. When she makes a threatening comment about Holly, Brent kicks Lola, and manages to escape from his confinement. Lola's father chases Brent outside and up a tree, where he and Lola hurl rocks at Brent, knocking him down.The two bring Brent back inside, and affix his feet to the floor with knives. Lola then reveals via a scrap book, that she has been abducting many boys throughout her life, including the bloody man Brent saw which made him swerve and kill his father. Just like with her previous victims, Lola uses a fork, and carves on Brent's chest, a heart and her initials...before throwing copious amounts of salt on the exposed wounds.After being crowned Queen of her dance, Lola admits to Brent that she is looking for her prince...which isn't Brent, declaring that he is "just another frog". However, Lola confides in her father that he himself is her prince, and the two share a dance.As he watches Lola and her father dance, Brent is able to get to his razor-blade necklace, and begins to quietly use it to cut at the ropes binding his arms together.After the dance, Lola retrieves a dead animal, while her father pulls aside a carpet on the floor, revealing a trapdoor. Unseen by Brent, there are a number of Lola's previous "dates" in the pit under the doors, which have been given the same treatment as Brent, as he can hear them struggling to make sound through their damaged voice boxes, as she taunts them to "sing for their supper."Following the feeding, Lola declares that it is time to lobotomize Brent...something her father has done to her previous dates, but is allowing Lola to do this time.Though she follows her father's instructions, she requests he help her...leading to Brent managing to break free of his restraints, and slash at Lola's father with his razor-blade necklace! Managing to pull the knives affixing his feet to the floor, he then violently stabs Lola's father to death when the old man attempts to attack him! This leads to Lola attacking Brent, who subdues her, and then tosses the father's body into the pit...where the near-starved captives begin to feast on the man's body!Lola then gets up and throws Brent in, followed by her throwing nearby objects at him in anger, before closing the trap door on him. Brent finds a flashlight and hammer that Lola had thrown down, and kills the abductees as they advance on him. Lola then goes and smothers Bright Eyes with a pillow, revealing to us that the woman is her mother.As the night wears on, Holly remembers how Brent had told her that Lola Stone had asked him to the dance. She reports this information to a local officer named Paul Valentine, who drives out to the Stone's house. Seeing bloody marks on the floor inside through a nearby window, Paul breaks into the house to look around.Hearing sound upstairs, Brent throws a number of items at the trap door, getting Paul's attention. As he opens the doors however, Lola appears behind the policeman, and drives a meat cleaver into his head! Paul drops into the basement. Lola then threatens to kill Brent's mother and then Holly, given that he has killed her father. Once she leaves, Brent notices a large pile of bones in the pit. Using them, as well as the bodies, he manages to climb out.Lola then takes off walking down the road with a knife and her scrapbook, planning to carry out her vengeful mission. As she sees a car approach, she recognizes it belonging to Holly (who had gotten curious, and headed out to the Stone's residence as well).Lola hides in a nearby bush, and as the car approaches, she throws her scrapbook at it, causing Holly to come to a stop! In shock from what has happened, Holly is surprised when Lola appears, throwing open the passenger-side door, and attempts to stab her!Holly manages to crawl away from the car with Lola in pursuit, when a police car can be seen, coming from the direction of the Stone's house. Th car just barely misses Holly, before it swerves, and plows into Lola! Holly clambers into the police car, and is shocked to see Brent. The two embrace tearfully as Lola, severely injured but still not dead, crawls forward, still intending to kill the pair. Seeing her approaching from behind them, Brent reverses the car, striking Lola in the head (presumably killing her).The final scene shows Brent and Holly pulling up to his mother's house, where she embraces her son.