Book Club (2018)


Action / Comedy / Drama / Romance

IMDb Rating 6/10

Plot summary

Angelenos Carol, Diane, Sharon and Vivian, in addition to being longtime best friends, comprise a book club formed by Diane thirty years ago, they who meet monthly to drink wine and discuss the book of the month chosen on a rotating basis by each of the four. When Vivian chooses Fifty Shades of Grey, the women are steered in the direction of examining their own sex, romantic and love lives as they move into the latter stages of their lives. Executive chef Carol is trying to insert spice into her marriage to her husband of thirty-five years Bruce, Carol who still craves intimacy and sex, both now non-existent, as Bruce, who she knows still loves her, seems more interested in other things besides her since his retirement six months ago. Widowed less than a year ago, Diane, whose marriage was a loving and stable one, is now coddled by her two Scottsdale residing adult daughters, Adrianne and Jill, who treat her more as a helpless child than their capable mother, and who want her to move into Adrianne's basement suite so that they can better take care of her. As such, Diane feels the need to hide from them that for the first time since being widowed, she has met a man, airline pilot Mitchell, who she may want to be a big part of her future if he is given the opportunity. Federal judge Sharon has been divorced for eighteen years from Tom, and while she doesn't miss him, she misses what he represented to her as demonstrated by the fact that she has not had sex with anyone else in all those years. Her three friends egg her on to explore the sometimes treacherous world of online dating. And hotelier Vivian has never looked for love in feeling such would impede her independence as she is content with her life with a proverbial stableful of casual sexual partners. Vivian is reunited with New York residing Arthur, a former lover, when he checks into her hotel. While Arthur seemingly tries to steer their new relationship into a serious one, Vivian in turn tries to maintain what she considers her sense of freedom and independence.—Huggo