Abominable (2006)


Action / Horror / Sci-Fi / Thriller

IMDb Rating 5/10

Plot summary

A farmer and his wife awaken in the middle of the night. They live in a cabin in the middle of the woods, alone. The husband arms himself with his gun and he and his wife venture outside to investigate the strange noise. They discover one of there cattle violently ripped open, and the farmer notes "...no bear could do that..". There dog then runs off into the woods, and a frightening grunt is heard and the dog whimpers. The couple flees inside and cower behind the door. They see the shadow of a large, hairy creature walk past the windows and up to the door there hiding behind. The mysterious creature grunts and walks away. After they are certian its gone, they venture outside once more to discover large footprints, left by the creature.The next day in the near by town of Flatwoods, a man named Otis goes into a gas station to buy some groceries. He is a man-nurse in town with a crippled patient named Preston Rogers. While Otis buys the groceries Preston looks out the window of the car to the wilderness surrounding the town, and begins to cower in fear when he glances at a cliff, for unknown reasons. While Otis leaves the store, the clerk goes back to his paper, and the news on the front page is about the mysterious happenings that happened at the beginning of the movie. Preston and Otis then drive off deep into the wilderness to Prestons remote cabin, at least a 30 minute drive from any other human contact. Otis helps Preston into the house and Otis realizes he forgot to buy Preston some skim milk, so he leaves Preston alone to go get some. Preston wants Otis to take him along because the sun is setting and it will be dark soon, but Otis leaves anyway. Preston sits alone in the cabin when he starts to hear mysterious noises. He grabs a pair of binoculars and heads to a window, when a Jeep comes into view. The jeep parks infront of the next door cabin and five women unload into the cabin. Preston watches them.Sometime later, Otis still hasnt returned. One of the girls leaves the cabin to make a phone call. Preston watches her closley. He looks away for a few seconds to clean the lense, when a gigantic hairy creature runs out of the woods and grabs the girl. Preston looks back and wonders where she went. Later, preston hears a large noise from the woods and looks out the window to discover the telephone pole collapsed, resulting in the phone not working.The sun has set and Preston hears a weird nosie from outside. He goes outside onto the deck with a flashlight and flashes the light into the woods. He a cell phone on the floor, and realizes the girl from next door left it there. He then hears a noise in the woods and shines the light into a thick bush where he sees a pair of gigantic, red eyes looking directly at him, with a look of intense anger. He drops the flashlight and is swallowed in darkness. he slowly pulls his wheelchair back into the house and closes the sliding-glass door. He goes to his desk and emails the Flatwoods police deparpment, saying he thinks there is some type of a "creature" in the woods. Otis arrives and preston trys to tell him what just happened but he doesnt believe him and starts making dinner.Somewhere in the middle of the woods, three men, 2 of which are the Clerk from the gas station and the Farmer from the beginning of the film, are camping in the woods hunting the mysterious creature. One of them hears a noise and goes off. He follows a blood trail into a dark cave and discovers the girl that was abducted earlier, lying on the floor with her stomach ripped open. She pleads for the man to save her but he tells her he needs to get his friends to help. The monster then runs into the cave and drags the girl into the darkness. The man runs back to camp and warns the other men. They load there guns and wait for the monster, but one by one the monster grabs them and runs off into the woods with them.Back at Prestons cabin, Preston calls the cell phone outside to try and alert the girls in the cabin, by sending a text message reading "Your friend was taken into the forest, GET POLICE!". the girls read this and begin to panic. they flee into the house and try to phone the police, but there phones have no reception and the cabin-phones are out. They argue wether to go into the woods and search but decide not to. While one of the girls is in the bathroom the monster reaches into through an extremley small window and pulls her out, snapping her in half. Preston watches this in horror and pleads with Otis that they need to leave. Otis attempts to sedate Preston with a syringe but Preston snags it from him and sedates Otis, knocking him out cold. Preston turns back to the window and the monsters face is pressed against the window. The monster roars at him and Preston faints in terror.The police receive Prestons email and attempt to call but the lines are down. An officer gets ready to drive up to the cabin but the Cheif tells him it is probably nothing, so the Officer doesnt go.Preston awakens and grabs his computer to see if the police have responded. They emailed him saying if he emails them again for a "prank", he will be arrested. The girls at the cabin next door go into the bathroom wondering where there friend went and discovered it completley drenched in blood and the window broken. Preston screams out a window to get there attention. One of the girls opens a window to listen. He tells them to stay away from the window and that there is a monster outside there house. As he says this, the monster breaks into the girls cabin and begins killing them. The monster kills all but one of the girls, and the sole survivor manages to escape to Prestons cabin. In an effort to calm her down Preston tells her how he got into his wheelchair. 6 months prior, Preston and his Wife were rock climbing and in a freak accident they fell off of a cliff. Prestons wife died but Preston survived and was paraylized. Preston tells the girl to E-mail the police. She rushes to the computer but the power goes out. Preston and Amanda then arm themselves with an axe. Preston attaches a rock climbing harnest to the deck so they can safley climb down to the ground and escape in Otis's car. Preston gets down to the ground but as Amanda begins climbing down, the monster breaks into the cabin and begins pulling Amanda back up. The monster holds her in its arms and brings her up to its face. Before it kills her, Otis awakens. He grabs the ax and stabs it into the monsters back. The monster drops Amanda and she begins climbing down again. The monster kills Otis. Amanda and Preston begin to frantacilly run to the car but Amanda has to carry Preston, which slows them down. They get to the car with the Monster right behind them. She starts the car and slams on the gas but the Monster begins lifting it up, rendering it incapapable of driving away. It then drops the car and they drive off at top speed. About half a mile down the road Amanda crashes into a tree and she goes flying through the windsheild, and she is knocked out. Preston sits in the car and the Monster starts walking towards the crash. It walks in front of the car and picks up Amanda. Preston slams on the horn and the Monster drops her, running away because the horn scares it. The Monster realizes the horn cannot harm it and begins charging toward the car. Preston puts the car in reverse and slams on the gas with his hand. It smashes into the Monster and slams it into a tree. The ax is still in its back and comes through the front of its chest. It tries to move the car but Preston puts a rock on the gas and begins crawling to Amanda. The Monster passes out and Amanda and Preston leave the scene. The police discover them on the side of the road and an ambulance comes and picks them up. Preston and Amanda go to the hospital and tell the Police there was a massacre at the cabins.The police go to the cabin to try and locate the bodies, but they find nothing. They discover Otis's car still backed into the tree, but the Monster isnt there. They hear a noise and turn around, and see the monster standing there. But there isnt ONE monster, there is a few dozen. The police begin to scream, and this ends the film.