Yoga Hosers (2016)


Action / Comedy / Fantasy / Horror / Music / Mystery / Romance / Thriller

IMDb Rating 4/10

Plot summary

In Winnipeg, Colleen and Colleen are sophomores at Terry Fox Prep who are obsessed with their phones and celebrity news. If their phones are taken away, they behave like it's the end of the world.The girls work in the Eh-2-Zed convenience store run by Colleen C's father, who has a girlfriend Tabitha who the girls hate (and Tabitha doesn't seem to care for them either). The girls play in a heavy metal band which practices in the store's back room. The girls are playing guitar in a flashback, but not in most of the scenes where they perform.The girls also take yoga classes with Yogi Beara, who is being harassed by Warner Brothers because they own a cartoon. Yogi finds the solution to his problem, however, changing his name to the ridiculous made-up "Boo Boo" that no one will have a problem with. Yogi believes yoga is 90 percent physical with the other half being mental. No, there's no evidence he heard of the baseball player. This becomes critical to the plot: Yogi doesn't see yoga as peaceful, but rather as being more like one of the martial arts. If you want something and others are standing in your way, you must do whatever it takes to overcome. Yogi's disdain for what passes for yoga in P.E. class gets the girls excused.To make sure the viewer remembers this is Canada, everyone says "aboot" instead of "about", and even words that rhyme with about are pronounced as "boot", eh? And yes, people say "Eh?" a lot.Every character is introduced with what appears to be a social media profile accompanied by 1980s video game music.One day at school, the kids are bored in Ms. Maurice's history class. To them, the events being described happened a million years ago and a million miles away. So Ms. Maurice makes the lesson relevant by telling the students how a devoted follower of Hitler came to Canada and tried to recruit. Adrian Arcand, shown in black and white scenes, only seems capable of attracting one person to the cause, Andronicus Arcane, who has a German accent. To this day no one knows what happened to him. This might possibly explain the miniature Nazis who terrorize the girls later in the movie.Being sophomores, the girls would like to be cool. Then they get invited to a senior party. Things don't work out and they end up spending time with Satan worshipers. That doesn't go well.For much of the second half, the girls are with Guy Lapointe, an author who is investigating several murders, including Toilet Paper Man. The girls call him that because that's all he bought at the store, but they do recognize him when shown his photo.Andronicus returns to the movie and describes his evil plot in various voices, including Al Pacino, Sylvester Stallone, Adam West and one of the Hanna Barbera cartoon characters, or at least someone who sounds like him. As he shows how he learned English, he also does an impression of Schwarznegger.In the movie's final battle, it looks like an episode of the 1960s version of "Batman".