Desert Hearts (1985)


Action / Drama / Romance

IMDb Rating 7/10

Plot summary

In 1959 in Reno, Nevada, 35-year-old college professor Vivian Bell (Helen Shaver) arrives by train where she takes up temporary residence at a ranch until her quickie six-week divorce becomes final. Ranch owner Frances Parker (Audra Lindley) meets her at the station. As they drive off, Frances says she used to be a dancer at a casino in town, and was married to an attorney, who died of a heart attack when he was age 41. Vivian says she was married for 12 years, and always lived in cities. A speeding car driven in reverse pulls up next to them, and Frances introduces Cay Rivvers (Patrica Charbonneau), an outgoing, 25-year-old sculptor and Golden Ring casino employee. However, Cay almost causes an accident before she races off.As Frances's son, Walter (Alex McArthur), takes Vivian's bags to her room, she tells him she teaches English literature at Columbia University in New York City. Walter offers to tell Vivian about the history of the ranch after she unpacks. Meanwhile, she removes her uncomfortable shoes and rests on the bed.In the employee locker room, casino worker, Silver (Andra Akers), talks to co-worker, Cay, about her upcoming wedding to Joe. She wants Cay to marry her boyfriend, Darrell (Dean Butler), the casino manager, so they can have a double honeymoon. Cay admits she does not share a sexual relationship with Darrell, and worries that Silver will not accept her for who she is. Silver reassures Cay that she is "the best." On the casino floor, Cay makes change for patrons, and a man named Sherman gropes her. Cay's boyfriend, Darrell, the floor manager, rescues her from Sherman's grip and makes him apologize.A few days later at the ranch, when Vivian admires a photograph of a man on the mantle, Frances says it is Glenn, Cay's father. She and Glenn had a ten-year relationship, and Walter is their son. However, Cay is not her child. The next day, Frances sits on the porch with two soon-to-be divorcees named Lucille (Katie La Bourdette) and Pat (Denise Crosby). Vivian offers to help Frances by delivering Cay's mail to her cottage. Cay invites her inside and Vivian admires her ceramic pots. However, Vivian sees a pretty woman named Gwen (Gwen Welles) in Cay's bed, becomes uncomfortable, and leaves. Later, Cay offers to drive Vivian into town to see her attorney. Vivian finds herself sandwiched in the car between Cay and Gwen.In town, Vivian meets with Art Warner (James Staley), her lawyer, and she surprises him by not asking for alimony as part of her settlement since she has always supported herself. Vivian is uncomfortable when Art suggests "mental cruelty" as grounds for her divorce. She thinks the term mis-characterizes her circumstances.Back at the casino, Darrell asks to see Cay in his office. There, he tells Cay he loves her, but she says she has been honest about her feelings toward women. When he says he is willing to look the other way, she is silent. At night, Vivian sees Cay in the kitchen with the ingredients to make a sandwich. Vivian boils water for tea, but Cay complains the noise will wake Frances. Vivian agrees to leave, and return at a more convenient time. Meanwhile, Cay drops a jar of mayonnaise on the floor. Laughing, the women clean up the mess until Frances asks Cay to bring her a bottle of Coca-Cola.In her bedroom, Frances confesses she is in financial trouble. If she sells the ranch she wonders if Cay will come live with her and go to art school. Cay suggests she might meet someone important someday, but Frances is not optimistic, given Cay's choice of lovers. Cay warns her not to interfere.One day, as they ride horses, Vivian tells Cay her marriage drowned in still waters. Sharing a bubble bath, Cay confesses to Silver that her new crush is Vivian, a classy individual ten years her senior. Although they have not slept together, Cay hopes to start a romance with Vivian before she leaves town.Later, Frances warns Vivian not to get too close to Cay since they have little in common. Cay persuades Vivian to buy casual Western outfits, and they share a drink at the casino bar with Silver. There, Vivian is introduced to Darrell, who acts like a jealous lover. Vivian leaves to play the slot machines, and thanks Cay for a wonderful time.A few days later, Lucille admits that Buck, a ranch hand, has helped her overcome the sadness over her divorce, and warns Vivian that Cay was kicked out of college for "unnatural acts." At breakfast, Cay is upset when Vivian declines to attend Silver's engagement party. She would rather prepare lectures for work, but Cay suspects she would rather avoid any further confrontation with Darrell. Soon, Vivian is persuaded by Walter, who offers to escort Vivian to the party. There, Silver performs a song in honor of her fiance, Joe.On the drive home, Cay tells Vivian she lives at the ranch to hide from anything she cannot face. Cay parks, and the women walk around a lake. She declares Darrell's affection is misplaced, she is only attracted to women. Vivian cannot admit her attraction to Cay, and walks back to the car as it starts raining. Cay follows, and insists Vivian roll down the window. She leans in and kisses Vivian on the cheek, then kisses her on the mouth. Vivian reciprocates, but abruptly stops, and asks Cay to drive her home.Upon arrival back at the ranch, Frances greets them angrily, informing Vivian that she is no longer welcome, and a room has been reserved for her at the Riverside Inn. When she hands Vivian a refund, Cay grabs it and tosses the money on the ground. Frances insists that townspeople are gossiping about Cay and Vivian. She accuses Vivian of being a bad influence on her family. Cay tells Vivian she can be found at Silver's, and warns Frances to stop interfering with her life.Cay goes to work, but her heart is not in it. One morning another few days later, she visits Vivian at the hotel, and they talk. Vivian confesses that before she came to Reno, her life was orderly. Now, Frances has humiliated her by casting judgment on her uncharacteristic behavior. As Vivian takes a drink, she says one day she will get her revenge by writing a short story about the experience. Meanwhile, Cay has climbed into Vivian's bed, and is topless. Vivian hands Cay her clothes and asks her to leave. Cay insists that Vivian wants her to stay, but Vivian nervously admits she would not know what to do. She sits down on the bed, but tells Cay she will not take off her robe. Silently, Cay takes Vivian's face in her hands and kisses her. The women fold into each other's arms, and Vivian says she has feelings she has never had before. She smiles and allows Cay to remove her robe. Gently, Cay explores Vivian's body, and they make love for the first time.Later that evening, they have drinks at a bar. Vivian says she feels exposed. She is afraid of what her colleagues will think of her affair with a 25-year-old woman when she returns to work. As they admit they are in love, three men at a nearby table send over beers. Vivian does not want to socialize with the men, and walks out. Cay joins her in the car, and says Vivian would be content to hide in her room until her divorce came through. Vivian accuses Cay of being too strident. Cay responds she acts the way she does so the world will not change her. They return to Vivian's hotel and make up. They again make love.Another few days later, Cay and Vivian attend Silver's wedding. After the ceremony, Frances comments she wishes things had worked out differently. She leaves before Vivian responds, but Cay runs after her. She tells Frances she loves her, but Frances says she will never understand Cay's attraction to other women. Cay explains it is the same emotion Frances felt for Glenn. The women hug and Frances leaves.Another few days later, after Vivian's divorce is granted, Cay is disappointed when Vivian does not plan to visit until Christmas. Vivian wants to have a last dinner together, but Cay plans to meet her at the train station to say goodbye. At the station, Vivian invites Cay to move to New York City. Cay is reluctant, and thinks she will not fit in with Vivian's city friends. Vivian says if Cay rides the train with her to the next station they can figure out the details. She extends her hand and Cay boards the train and they ride away together.